You know, it would really make the Referee’s job a LOT easier if more Coaches knew the Rules, OR if they do know the Rules, would not try to talk the Referee into a mistaken call.
Case in point-
I was in-bounding the ball near the Mid Court line on the Home teams side of the court.
The thrown ball was touched, but not controlled by the Offensive team and then bounded into the Back Court where the Offensive team recovered the ball.
Because that was my area to officiate, I moved into the back court and ended up close to the Visiting Coach who was hollering, “He touched it!! That’s Back Court!!”
“No, Coach, that is NOT Back Court. No Team Control was established in the Front Court”
He was not satisfied with my reply & I could see the Coach’s head shaking while muttering something to the players on the bench. Probably saying something about how that Referee doesn’t know the Rules……But since the game was in progress I did not have time to to pull out a Rule Book and explain the Rule to the Coach.
But so none of my friends holler at the Ref for a similar call, here is the Rule and Case Book explanations for you!!
2015 NFHS Rule 9 Section 9 BACK COURT-
Article 1- A player shall not be the first one to touch the ball AFTER IT HAS BEEN IN TEAM CONTROL in the Front Court if he/she or a teammate last touched or was touched by the ball in the front court before it went to the back court. (Capital Letters are MY emphasis).
2015 NFHS Case Book Page 25 4.12.2 Situation (b)-
During a Throw in by Team A, Player A1 throws the ball in-bounds from the End Line under A’s basket (b). The Throw In is touched by A2 before it goes across the Division Line where it is recovered by A3.
RULING- LEGAL in (b). There is NO Back Court Violation in (b) since Team Control had not yet been established in Team A’s Front Court before it went in to A’s Back Court. (Capital Letters are MY emphasis).
Now, if that Coach had known that Rule, there would have been no remonstration and no muttering that caused the bench players to doubt the Referees Rules knowledge………..
Perhaps the greatest affront to the Coach’s actions is to unfairly prejudice the players to think the Referees were the idiots, which can cause the players and team fans to doubt other close calls the Referees might make in that game.
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